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Glossary of New Thought terms : ウィキペディア英語版
Glossary of New Thought terms

This is a glossary of terms used in New Thought.
== A ==

* Abiding Presence - the Spirit of God, which permeates everything.
* Absolute - the God principle, the Supreme, the Unknowable, Unthinkable, Unmanifest—yet manifest in all. The Unconditioned, yet in every condition.
* Absolute and relative - refers to the Unconditioned Cause and any effect which It may project.
* Abstract - in the realm of the formless; apart from any particular object, as in the realm of ideation. Abstract thought is in the higher ranges of thought, rather than in the concrete, as in particular objects.
* Abundance - since thought produces fact, then fact must be like the thought which produces it. Hence a thought of impoverishment would create an impoverished condition, while the recognition of abundance would inevitably produce abundance.
* Accumulated Consciousness — the sum total of all that one has ever said, thought, done or seen, consciously or un-consciously.
* Active ideas of truth - a spiritual treatment is a definite statement, an active state of consciousness created for a definite purpose.
* Active right thinking - mental treatment is an active thing; it sets about to demonstrate or prove a certain point in Mind through the definite activity of consciousness. Treatment is always active; it is never day-dreaming.
* Adam - undeveloped, or unenlightened man. The opposite of the Christ Principle, as "in Adam all sin, so in Christ all are made free from sin" (1 Cor. 15:22).
* Adam as Christ - the first Adam is of the earth; the second Adam is the Lord from heaven. Adam as Christ means lifting up the principle of Reality within us to a comprehension of its union with Spirit.
* Adam Kadmon - in the Kabalah this term means the ONE (son) of the Divine Father.
* Affirmation - see supreme affirmation, subconscious denial of our affirmations, tool of affirmation,
* Affirmation in mental treatment - affirming the Divine as the only Presence. That is, affirming the presence of whatever ought to be.
* Affirmation of truth - any statement which affirms the supremacy of good or which denies the reality of that which is contrary to good. (See also spiritual affirmations; transforming power of thoughts and words.
* Affirmative factor - the invisible Power that concentrates primordial substance into new forms. It is the principle of the unfoldment of life through the Intelligence that permeates all space, the very Nature of Being Itself as Subjective Intelligence. Cooperating with It, man may create his world of perfection.
* Affirmative prayer - a form of prayer or a metaphysical technique that is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation.
* Agnosticism - (agnostic) The doctrine that neither the nature nor the existence of God nor the ultimate character of the universe is knowable. Any doctrine which affirms that all knowledge is relative and uncertain.
* Akasha - space, or ether, as a mind principle.
* Alchemy - a medieval science, the object of which was to try to transmute base metals into gold. In the life of the metaphysician, the term alchemy is used in referring to the transmutation of the lower nature (that is, the qualities of ruthless selfishness, greed, cruelty, etc.) into the perfect spiritual Form, toward which man is evolving. The uncovering of the God-self, which already exists, potentially, in each one. This alchemy, or transmutation, is an actual chemical change in the cells of the body, through the use of mental law and high spiritual aspiration.
* All is mental or spiritual - not only is the invisible Principle of Life a thing of mind and spirit, form also is mental and spiritual. It is Spirit caught in a temporary mold for a definite purpose.
* All is mind - all creation is Mind in form and responsive to the Intelligence which creates it. This same Intelligence in us therefore responds to us. Immanuel Kant said that we are able to recognize an apparently external object by reason of the fact that it awakens an intuition within us.
* All thought is creative - it would be impossible to assume that one type of thought would be creative without assuming that all types must be.
* Alpha and Omega - this symbolizes all that God is—Spirit, Matter. The first and the last, and all that lies between. The beginning and the end.
* Altar - symbolizes spiritual idealism upon which are sacrificed the lower forms of thought.
* Analogous - similar or bearing some similarity. The principle that like attracts like, in that we attract that to which our thought is attuned.
* Analogy - that which resembles something else. An agreement between two things in some ways, but not identically. In metaphysical teaching, stories are told which bear a resemblance to the thing being illustrated, in order to clarify the thought on the subject at hand. The teachings of Jesus are filled with analogies.
* Analytical realization - realization arrived at by analysis, argument, process of thought, etc.
* Ancient of Days - God, Spirit, Reality; that which never changes.
* Ancient wisdom - the continuous stream of Truth that has run through all the great spiritual and philosophic teachings from times of antiquity. The Wisdom of the Ages.
* Androgynous - having the characteristics of both sexes. The Father-Mother God Principle.
* Anointed, The - refers to the consciousness of the Indwelling Christ.
* Anti-Christ - any attempt to use spiritual power for a destructive purpose.
* Antitype - that which preceded the type, and of which the type is the prefigurement or representation.
* Apparent separation - any thought or appearance which causes us to believe that we are separated from the Divine Presence.
* Apparition - an unexpected or spectral appearance. Sometimes used synonymously with the world "ghost."
* Appearance - any objective manifestation which may or may not be considered true to the spiritual Reality. (See also 'Judge not according.")
* Archetypal man - spiritual man viewed generically, in whose image all men are formed. The universal man. The image and likeness of God.
* Archetype - the ideal form, written about by Plato. The eternal, perfect concept of things, existing in the Mind of God, or Universal Mind, after which form is patterned. The perfect pattern of a thing in thought.
* Argument of doubt - any mode of thought which denies us the privilege of accomplishing a healing or of making demonstrations for ourselves or others. This arises out of the race consciousness.
* Argument of error - subjective thought patterns of experience resisting any attempt to neutralize them.
* Ark of the Covenant - the Principle of Unity within us; the Holy of Holies; the Secret Place of the Most High; the Sacred Name; the Scroll of Life; the realization that God and man are One.
* Ascending arc of the circle - a term used to symbolize the evolutionary Force, both personal and cosmic, by which the individual rises from gross materiality into the realm of pure Spirit. The resurrection principle.
* Ascetic - one who devotes himself to a solitary and contemplative life; one who practices extreme rigor and self-denial.
* Asceticism - refers to the doctrine that the material or carnal world is evil or despicable, and that salvation is gained by mortification of the flesh.
* "As he thinketh in his heart so is he" - as the inner state of consciousness is, so will the condition become. (See also James Allen's ''As A Man Thinketh'')
* Assimilation and elimination - metaphysically interpreted, this means the circulation of Truth eliminating anything unlike Itself.
* Atomic intelligence - the primary Intelligence inherent in the very substance of things; the Intelligence in the atom that keeps it revolving around its central unit of power. This Intelligence is characterized by responsiveness, which may be made use of in healing work. Every atom in every cell of the body has intelligence.
* Atonement - the old Jewish doctrine of redemption through suffering or sacrifice to expiate for a sin. To make amends for an offense. We all atone for wrongdoing, in that the Law of Cause and Effect punishes us until we learn to stop making mistakes. Metaphysical students now realize that the only atonement—that is, the real redemption—is an At-One-Ment with Life Itself, God. Through unity the old accounts are settled and dissolved. (See also ''Atonement Understood'' by Annie Rix Militz)
* Attachment - to be bound by sense objects, so that it is painful to be without them.
* Attraction, Law of - a metaphysical belief that "like attracts like", that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively.
* Automatic writings - written messages received when one is controlled by some psychic influence, which many believe may emanate from oneself, those around one, or discarnate spirits.
* Auto suggestion - one's thoughts acting upon one's own mind.
* Axiom - a Truth so self-evident that it would be impossible for sanity to contradict it.

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